The Pages of Greg
My Friends
This is Tim! My Best Friend in the Entire World!
this is Catherine, my dear sister, she looks like a ditz in that pic, it portrays her well. hahha. jk.
This is My OTHER buddy Josh, he's ALSO a computer geek! A Superior One. This would be Elaine, the Princess of Milkshakes. she's NOT a comp geek. haha
It's a covenant thing, so I guess I wouldn't get it huh? This is my friend Anna, Tim's sister
This is My OTHER best friend, LUKE!!!!!
this is my other friend, Shannon, she's getting married this summer!!!! This is my friend Buster the horse, he's gunna be a famous show horse, ZIPPIN LOTTA BUCKS!
I have many more pictures to collect (or take), from (or of) people so I can get them on this page, don't feel left out, if your pic isn't on here. I'll get ya up here soon enough. |